When you think about the minute amount of tolerance that it would take to alter the universe, how could you argue against a designer?  If the balance of air we breathe is slightly out of tolerance we die.  Our body temperature is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit; slight fluctuations indicate problems with our body’s operating system.  The gravitational balance of the earth is delicately in tune with the sun, moon, and other planets.  With the least amount of change in the position size or rotation of any of these members, then life would not exist on Earth.  When examined, the Anthropic Principle reveals just how delicate and detailed our universe is.

I find the Teleological Argument to be the most appealing because of the details. Random natural events are not precise and don’t create interdependent elements that build on one another. There has to be a designer, and the designer is still at work. I am a carpenter and builder by trade. I learned early that everything I build has to have an order. You can’t build the cabinets before you put up the walls. You can’t build walls before you have the floor. The floor cannot be laid out without a proper foundation. Foundations require proper civil design of the soil and rocks. Everything is interdependent. I also learned that the first error in construction is compounded if it is not corrected. This is even truer for the universe.

Just as every successful building project requires a designer/project manager, so does the universe. The details in the design of the universe requires an omniscient, omnipresent designer, God is that designer.

2 thoughts on “It’s In the Details – David Justice

  1. I love the details!! Measure twice, cut once! Carpentry is a precise skill that cannot be done on the fly. It takes everything you mentioned to make it happen.

    Also, the detail in every one of God’s creations are mind-blowing to me! I find myself awestruck every time I stop and watch the birds feed, watch them build their nests, watch the humming birds, the plants – God is amazing!!!


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